9:15 AM
11:00 Am
2:00 pm
“ I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. ”
JOHN 15:5
Our Gatherings
Sunday Service
Chinese Service | 9:30am
English Service | 11:30am
Unit 1A, 1/F Ho Shun Lee Shopping Centre, Yuen Long →Kids 4 Christ (K4C)
Sundays 9:15am | 11:00am
One time registration link ->
Youth Group
Sundays 1:30pm - 4:00pm
February 2024
Tim was born and raised in Germany. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Portland Seminary and 20 years of ministry experience as a university resident chaplain, youth, associate, senior, and lead pastor. Tim has lived and worked as a pastor in Germany, The U.S. and Hong Kong. Since 2022, he has been heading up the planting of The Vine Church Yuen Long. Tim joined The Vine in August 2018 and moved to Hong Kong in 2008, left in 2013, and returned again in 2018. Tim is married to Chris who he met at The Vine. Together, they have a daughter named Ellie, who is their great joy and treasure. Tim enjoy spending time with his family, hanging out with friends, going for walks, hiking, reading, and keeping up with my favourite sports teams.
Ivan was born and raised in Hong Kong. He has a Master of Divinity degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary. Ivan used to be a civil servant, and then he had years working experience in financial industry before he committed in full time ministry of The Vine Church in 2019. Since 2022, he has joined the planting of The Vine Church Yuen Long and leading up the Cantonese service. He was born and bred in Hong Kong and joined The Vine in 2011. Ivan and his wife Michi and I have two adorable sons.Ivan loves spending time with his family, gathering with other families in any indoor or outdoor activities. He also enjoy spending time in gym and running for physical health and mental refreshment.